A server can also restrict the byte range of a Write layout to avoid quota limits or to reduce allocation overhead, among other reasons. 服务器还能限制Write布局的字节范围,以避免配额限制或减少分配开销等等。
However, an applicant that had imported under a quota on the relevant products in the year prior to China's accession would not receive a decrease in the absolute amount of its quota allocation; 但是在中国加入前一年进口一配额下相关产品的申请者所获得的配额分配绝对量将不减少;
Case Study on International Experience of the Scale and Quota Allocation of PhD Students 国际上博士生规模与名额分配机制的案例研究
To Achieve the Equality of College Admission by Systems& from the perspective of regional protectionism in quota allocation 高考招生平等的制度实现&以高招名额分配中的地方保护主义倾向为视角
Make public the lending restrictions and quota allocation methodology in order to improve transparency and predictability. 将贷款限制和限额分配方法对外公开,以提高透明度和可预见性。
As there were no clear rules on quota allocation, banks had an incentive to lend as much as possible in the first few months to expand their market share. 因为该体系在贷款额度分配上并无明确规定,各银行存在这样的动机:在每年头几个月尽可能多地发放贷款,以扩大自己的市场份额。
Valid quota allocation certificate 有效配额分配证明书
The Shenzhen exchange took pains to describe how it would avoid corruption and human error during the quota allocation process by using automatic calculations to assign quotas. 深圳碳排放权交易所详细阐述了如何在排放配额的分配过程中,将通过自动化运算来避免腐败以及人为误差。
Meeting of Tea-Exporting Countries on Quota Allocation and Minimum Export Standards 茶叶出口国配额分配和最低出口标准问题会议
They include the terms of reference, export quota allocation and issues relating to export licenses. 它们包括了授权调查范围,出口配额分配和与出口许可证相关的问题。
( vi) time taken to grant a quota or TRQ allocation. (ⅵ)发放配额或关税配额分配所需的时间。
Those members expressed concerns about requirements for obtaining a licence or quota allocation which often required approvals from various authorities within an organization as well as approval from both the central and sub? National level. 成员们对获得许可证或配额通常要求获得一机关内不同主管机关的批准,及要求既获得中央一级又获得地方各级批准的要求表示关注。
Selection exercises will be done on a regular basis for quota allocation to applicants. 甄选程序会定期进行,为申请人分配名额。
Problems in the Evaluation and Quota Allocation of Titles of Nursing Staffs and Measures to Prevent Them 护理职称编配和评定工作中存在的问题与建议
Examination on differential games to fishery resources quota allocation 渔业资源配额微分对策研究
Some suggestions concerning with industrial water management was addressed and meanwhile the establishment of the water quota and allocation as well as its influenced factors was analyzed in the paper. 针对工业用水所涉及的问题提出建议,同时对用水定额和用水指标的制定,用水定额的影响因素做了较为系统的分析。
The ideas and approaches of conceptual plan can be useful in strengthening land use strategic study, conducting land use zoning, guiding land quota allocation and making land use control rules. 研究结论:引入概念规划理念与方法,强化土地利用战略研究,引导空间分区,指导用地指标分解以及用途管制规则,促使指标控制与分区控制相结合。
Then a DEA-based programming is proposed to study the impact of different quota allocation schemes on the level of output and total pollution emissions. 然后通过构建一个基于数据包络分析理论的线性规划模型来分析不同限额分配方案对产出水平和污染排放总额的影响。
As for the international quota, the problem is rooted in avoiding the common maintenance obligations, performance of specific forms which have loopholes on these fields, such as Institutional arrangements, resource allocation, monitoring, and so on. 就国际配额而言,问题的根源在于各国对共同养护义务的规避,具体表现形式为制度安排、资源分配、监管等领域存在漏洞。
Either to solve bottleneck, or to ensure completing the promise, It is imperative to implement mandatory carbon emissions, Carbon emission quota allocation is an important and basic part in this action. 要解决碳减排的瓶颈,保证承诺目标的顺利完成,国内强制性碳减排任务势在必行,排放配额分配是其中重要而基础的一环。
Sensitivity analyses showed that the increase of R& D investment potential would aggravate the former-lower-latter-higher trend. Furthermore, aimed at the frequently discussed quota allocation scheme, we constructed an optimal economic growth model under the constraint of accumulated emission target. 对研发投资潜力的敏感性分析发现,研发强度上限的提高会加剧前轻后重的趋势。此外,文章还对当前热论的排放配额分配方案,提出了排放总量控制目标下的最优经济增长模型。
But at the same time, it has brought a big trouble to existing accounting system because of the complexity of the quota of carbon emissions rights on allocation, delivery, trade and management. 但与此同时,由于碳排放权配额的分配、交付、交易和处置的复杂性,给现有的会计体系带来了很大困扰。
Put forward the common principle of military vehicle allocation, take mobility, transport ability and vehicles quota as restriction, and then uses GLPS to establish the military transport vehicles allocation models for different categories troops. 提出了军用运输车辆编配的基本原则,以机动性能、运输能力和运输车辆编制作为约束,运用目标规划法建立了适应不同军兵种部队的运输车辆编配模型。